Something From Today …
Beholden to and true to heart
I have fallen from this place
In the shallows of this river of tears
it’s last stand has been erased
Where lovers come to claim their day
betrothed to the widened eye
Of the dreamers parade, as it passes through
The unwilling start to cry
The lovers kiss is secret to this,
The touch is to mend broken hearts
Tis’ the reason they came, to light a fire again,
but time has stolen the plot
And as hard they try to put a past behind,
it’s a failing lesson soon to be learned
That the morrow is here, and always reappears
and it leaves standing alone all concerned
This has been proven a lasting tale
of the wanting never getting the needs
And of tear stained eyes searching for paradise
Lost in the forest for the trees
Dare I say,
Dare I not …
there is no need to explain
For with every breath, every beat of your heart
there is no answer to this pain
It’s the lovers dance that brings us here
searching for what we think we want
In the shallows of thought and in the midst of breath
We always seem to fall short
But it’s not despair that I caution you here
I mean no hurt to your heart
It’s not the plan to close this book, story untold
But to find a new…
a start.
So hold me close, let me feel the beat of your heart
I am hungry to learn the cost
Of what we all search to make us whole
The kiss that never stops ~